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Expedition Cruise to Svalbard: Part 15 – The impressive glaciers of Burgerbukta

by | 15 August 2023

A landing in a beautiful bay with no less than two glaciers to admire in the Hornsund Fjord.

July 2

On our last day on board the MS Fram, we got up very early in the morning. The time had flown, but at the same time we had the feeling that we had been on this voyage for weeks. Luckily, we had a packed schedule today, so we didn’t have time to be sad about the impending end of this fantastic trip.

Burgerbukta on the map of Svalbard.

Our route to Burgerbukta
on the Vessel Finder app.

The daily program for July 2.


We were in the beautiful bay of Burgerbukta on the north side of the Hornsund Fjord in South Spitsbergen. This bay divides into two inlets, the western and eastern Burgerbukta, where glaciers flow down both mountain slopes. Burgerbukta stretches about 7 kilometers inland and is up to 4 kilometers wide.
The weather cooperated 100% again and it was pure pleasure to be on deck at 5:30 in the morning.

Science boat

At the beginning of the week, we had signed up for the Science Boat, and on our last day on board, it was our turn. By 8:30 a.m. we were ready to go out on the water with one of the guides from the expedition team. While our guide Katrin explained the scientific measurements we would be taking, we cruised slowly through the bay, enjoying the fantastic views. Hurtigruten regularly supports scientific research in the region, sometimes taking equipment to remote locations, report whale sightings and bird counts. Today on the science boat we were going to take various measurements, collect water samples and record underwater sounds. Alex volunteered to help. After spending 45 minutes on the science boat we went ashore at our landing site.

Ashore in Burgerbukta

Two routes had been set up to get as close as possible to the two glaciers that were separated by a hill. It was a bit of a climb with all the rocks and large boulders in our way, but the view was fantastic.

Spot the seal.